Company “KROKOS SERRON IKE – SIRIS” was established in March 2016 with the aim of producing, packaging and selling saffron. After researching and studying how to cultivate and process the product and acquiring the necessary know-how, we went into experimental cultivation. The result was amazing. The experimental cultivation initially in Xerotopos Serres, Greece and then in the Neos Skopos of Serres, Greece was successful regarding performance and quality of the product, which we confirmed with quality analysis in certified scientific laboratories. Then we created the company “KROKOS SERRON IKE-SIRIS”. Today we are gradually increasing the area of cultivation in Neos Skopos of Serres, Greece, which is the seat of our company. We also work with other farmers who want to produce saffron of the same specifications as us, by providing them with our know-how and a way out of selling the product.